Claude Debussy

(Achille) Claude Debussy (French: [aʃil klod dəbysi]; 22 August 1862 – 25 March 1918) was a French composer. He is sometimes seen as the first Impressionist composer, although he vigorously rejected the term. He was among the most influential composers of the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

See More :

  1. César Cui
  2. Frédéric Chopin
  3. Johannes Brahms
  4. Luigi Boccherini
  5. Ludwig van Beethoven

Debussy represents the beginning of the modern era, and not just in the classical sphere – he also profoundly influenced 20th-century popular music and jazz. He abandoned traditional theory and made ‘pleasure’ his only law, looking to poetry and painting for inspiration. By putting familiar chords in unfamiliar sequences, favoring ancient and exotic scales, and focusing on texture and color, he created sounds that appear to be happening by magic rather than being written down.

Top Pieces:

Clair de Lune

With its ethereal mood and sense of mystery, Clair de Lune beautifully evokes Verlaine’s lines about “the sad and lovely moonlight that sets the birds dreaming in the trees”.
Clair de Lune in D-flat Major by Debussy piano sheet music


Unlike nearly everything else written for the Parisian salons of the 1880s, this music still has the power to gently lure you into an addictive dream world.
Rêverie in F Major by Debussy piano sheet music

Arabesque 1

The first Arabesque, with its flowing, decorative lines, fuses salon music with the Baroque, which according to Debussy mirrored the movements and patterns of nature itself, following the “laws of beauty”.
Arabesque 1 in E Major by Debussy piano sheet music

La fille aux cheveux de lin

Here Debussy depicts a sweet, innocent — possibly slightly sad — girl, using some of his harmonic trademarks, like 9th and 11th chords, pentatonic scales, and parallel voice leading.
La fille aux cheveux de lin by Debussy piano sheet music

La cathédrale engloutie

The Breton legend about a sunken cathedral mysteriously rising out of the ocean, inspired Debussy to compose this Prelude, featuring the distant sounds of submerged bells, organ pipes, and chanting priests.
La cathédrale engloutie by Debussy piano sheet music


Although he himself wished to reserve the term for the visual arts, Claude Debussy (1862-1918) has often been considered the founder of musical Impressionism. Indeed he added a quite new range of timbre and colour to western classical music. When graduating from the Paris Conservatory he won the prestigious Prix de Rome, which financed two years of further study in the Italian capital, where he had the opportunity to meet Franz Liszt. He also made two trips to Wagner’s Bayreuth. Back in Paris he became a frequent participant at Stéphane Mallarmé’s symbolist gatherings and formed friendships with many leading Parisian writers, musicians and artists.

At the Universal Exposition of 1889 he became fascinated by the music of eastern cultures, especially the Javanese gamelan, a discovery that made him want to get away from Wagner’s influence. The year 1894 saw the sensational premiere of his Prélude à l´après-midi d´un faune, immediately launching Debussy into the spotlight as one of the leading composers of the era. The opera Pelléas et Mélisande made a similar impact, and caused a lasting division among Paris audiences between the forward-looking believers in “Debussyism” and those who failed to appreciate his style.

Debussy cohabited in Paris with Gabrielle Dupont for nine years before marrying her friend Rosalie Texier, a fashion model, in 1899. Increasingly irritated by Texier’s lack of intellectual and musical interest, Debussy left her for Emma Bardac, the wife of a Parisian banker and an accomplished singer. Texier, like Dupont before her, attempted suicide. The scandal obliged Debussy and Bardac (already carrying his child) to flee to England until the hysteria subsided. The couple were eventually married in 1908.

Debussy spent his remaining years immersed in French musical society, writing as a critic, composing, and performing as pianist and conductor. The war depressed Debussy into a state of creative sterility, but the summer of 1915 marked the start of a new productive era: in quick succession he composed the Cello Sonata, En blanc et noir, the Etudes, and the Sonata for flute, viola and harp. Unfortunately, at the end of the year he had to undergo a debilitating colostomy for rectal cancer, one of the very first such operations. Many of his planned projects remained unrealized, but he managed to complete the Violin Sonata in 1917. He died in Paris during the bombardment of Paris in the last German offensive of World War I.

Quotes by Debussy

“There is no theory. You merely have to listen. Pleasure is the law.”

“We should be constantly reminding ourselves that the beauty of a work of art is something that will always remain mysterious; that is to say one can never find out exactly ‘how it is done’. At all costs let us preserve this element of magic peculiar to music. By its very nature music is more likely to contain something of the magical than any other art.”

“Works of art make rules; rules do not make works of art.”

“Music begins where words are powerless to express. Music is made for the inexpressible. I want music to seem to rise from the shadows and indeed sometimes to return to them.”

“The sound of the sea, the curve of a horizon, wind in leaves, the cry of a bird leave manifold impression in us. And suddenly, without our wishing it at all, one of these memories spills from us and finds expression in musical language… I want to sing my interior landscape with the simple artlessness of a child.”

Quotes about Debussy

“The Sea of Debussy does not call for many words of comment. The three parts of which it is composed are entitled From Dawn till Noon, Play of the Waves and Dialogue of the Wind and the Sea, but as far as any pictorial suggestiveness is concerned, they might as well have been entitled On the Flatiron Building, Slumming in the Bowery and A Glimpse of Chinatown During a Raid. Debussy’s music is the dreariest kind of rubbish.” (New York Post, 22 March 1907)

“Among all our musical masters, l should say, Claude Debussy was the least weighed upon by the dead hand of formula. Yet neither was he an improviser… Like any Frenchman building a bridge or cooking a meal, painting a picture or laying out a garden, he felt, he imagined, he reasoned, he constructed — and in that order.” (Virgil Thompson)

Most popular pieces:

Clair de Lune D-flat Major 1890 7
Rêverie F Major 1890 8
Arabesque 1 E Major 1891 7
La fille aux cheveux de lin N/A 1908 7
La cathédrale engloutie N/A 1908 8+

All pieces:

Suite Bergamasque

1. Prelude F Major 1890 7
2. Minuet A Minor 1890 7
3. Clair de Lune D-flat Major 1890 7
4. Passepied F-sharp Minor 1890 7

Two Arabesques

Arabesque 1 E Major 1891 7
Arabesque 2 G Major 1891 8

Pour le piano

1. Prelude A Minor 1896 8
2. Sarabande C-sharp Minor 1896 7
3. Toccata C-sharp Minor 1896 8+


1. Pagodes B Major 1903 8+
2. Soirée dans Grenade N/A 1903 8+
3. Jardins sous la pluie E Minor 1903 8+

Images Book I

1. Reflets dans l’eau D-flat Major 1905 8+
2. Hommage à Rameau G-sharp Minor 1905 8+
3. Mouvement C Major 1905 8+

Images Book II

1. Cloches à travers les feuilles N/A 1907 8+
2. Et la lune descend sur le temple qui fut N/A 1907 8+
3. Poissons d’or N/A 1907 8+

Children’s Corner

1. Doctor Gradus ad Parnassum C Major 1908 7
2. Jimbo’s Lullaby B-flat Major 1908 7
3. Serenade of the Doll E Major 1908 7
4. The Snow is Dancing D Minor 1908 7
5. The Little Shepherd A Major 1908 7
6. Golliwogg’s Cake Walk E-flat Major 1908 7

Preludes Book I

1. Danceuses de Delphes B-flat Major 1908 8
2. Voiles N/A 1908 8
3. Le vent dans la plaine N/A 1908 8
4. Les sons et les parfums tornent dans l’air du soir N/A 1908 8
5. Les collines d’Anacapri N/A 1908 8+
6. Des pas sur la neige N/A 1908 8+
7. Ce qu’a vu le Vent d’Ouest N/A 1908 8+
8. La fille aux cheveux de lin N/A 1908 7
9. La sérénade interrompue N/A 1908 8+
10. La cathédrale engloutie N/A 1908 8+
11. La danse de Puck N/A 1908 8+
12. Minstrels N/A 1908 8+

Preludes Book II

1. Brouillards N/A 1913 8+
2. Feuilles mortes N/A 1913 8+
3. La puerta del vino N/A 1913 8+
4. Les fées sont d’exquises danseuses N/A 1913 8+
5. Bruyères N/A 1913 8+
6. “Général lavine” excentric N/A 1913 8+
7. La terrasse des audiences du clair de lune N/A 1913 8+
8. Ondine N/A 1913 8+
9. Hommage à S. Pickwick Esq. P.P.M.P.C. N/A 1913 8+
10. Canope N/A 1913 8+
11. Les tierces alternées N/A 1913 8+
12. Feux d’artifice N/A 1913 8+

Six épigraphes antiques – for solo piano

1. Pour invoquer Pan, dieu du vent d’été N/A 1914 7
2. Pour un tombeau sans nom N/A 1914 7
3. Pour que la nuit soit propice N/A 1914 7
4. Pour la danseuse aux crotales N/A 1914 7
5. Pour l’Égyptienne N/A 1914 7
6. Pour remercier la pluie au matin N/A 1914 7

Twelve Etudes

Etude 1 – Pour les cinq doigts d’après Monsieur Czerny N/A 1915 8+
Etude 2 – Pour les tierces N/A 1915 8+
Etude 3 – Pour les quartes N/A 1915 8+
Etude 4 – Pour les sixtes N/A 1915 8+
Etude 5 – Pour les octaves N/A 1915 8+
Etude 6 – Pour les huit doigts N/A 1915 8+
Etude 7 – Pour les degrés chromatiques N/A 1915 8+
Etude 8 – Pour les agréments N/A 1915 8+
Etude 9 – Pour les notes répétées N/A 1915 8+
Etude 10 – Pour les sonorités opposées N/A 1915 8+
Etude 11 – Pour les arpèges composés N/A 1915 8+
Etude 12 – Pour les accords N/A 1915 8+

Pieces for piano four hands or two pianos

Prélude, Cortège et Air de Danse – for four hands N/A 1884 8
Petite suite – for four hands N/A 1889 8+
Marche écossaise (Earl of Ross March) – for four hands A Minor 1890 7
Prélude à l’Après-midi d’un Faune – for two pianos N/A 1895 8+
Lindaraja – for two pianos D Minor 1901 7
Danse sacrée et danse profane – for two pianos N/A 1904 8+
La mer – for four hands N/A 1905 8+
Six épigraphes antiques – for four hands N/A 1914 8+
En blanc et noir – for two pianos N/A 1915 8+

Miscellaneous pieces

Danse bohémienne B Minor 1880 7
Ballade N/A 1890 8
Dance E Major 1890 8
Fantaisie for Piano and Orchestra G Major 1890 8+
Rêverie F Major 1890 8
Valse romantique N/A 1890 8+
Mazurka F-sharp Minor 1891 8+
Nocturne D-flat Major 1892 8
Images oubliées N/A 1894 8
D’un cahier d’esquisses D-flat Major 1903 8+
L’isle joyeuse A Major 1904 8+
Masques N/A 1904 8+
Morceau de concours N/A 1904 7
Spring (Printemps) F-sharp Major 1904 8+
Hommage à Haydn N/A 1909 7
The Little Nigar C Major 1909 7
La plus que lente G-flat Major 1910 7
Berceuse héroïque N/A 1914 8
Élégie D Minor 1915 7
Page d’album F Major 1915 6
Les soirs illuminés par l’ardeur du charbon A-flat Major 1917 6

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